93 Blogging Statistics You Need To Know About (2024)

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Last Updated on 6th May 2024

Blogging has become hugely popular over the last few years. Whether you’re just getting started or have been blogging for several years, it’s imperative to pay attention to the trends.

These numbers, facts, and blogging statistics will help you understand the state of blogging and whether it’s worth your time and money.

These statistics will also shed light on what bloggers think about affiliate marketing, and how much they money make. You’ll also get a clear picture of how much time you need to blog in order to have success, and what areas you should pay attention to.

Let’s get to it!

Affiliate Marketing Trends (please list 10 new trends here for 2021-2022)

  • Articles and blogs account for almost 40% of affiliate publisher income in the United States alone. (19)
  • Over 84% of publishers participate in affiliate marketing. (21)
  • A staggering 94% of publishers participate in two or more affiliate programs. (21)
  • 39% and 20% of bloggers use 3 or more and 5 affiliate marketing programs, respectively. (21)
  • In the previous years, content created by affiliates has increased by 175%, while revenue created by publishers has gone up by 240%. (54)
  • Blogging is used by over 65% of affiliate marketers to drive visitors. (55)
  • 76% of publishers say one of the best advantages of affiliate marketing is that it makes monetizing their websites and content much easier. (56)
  • 65% of publishers say the top benefit of affiliate marketing is that it increases revenue. (56)
  • Affiliate marketing is the number one source of revenue for 34% of publishers with fewer than 5,000 unique monthly views. (56)
  • 51% of publishers with over 100,000 unique monthly views have been using affiliate marketing programs for more than five years. (56)
  • 65% of the smaller publishers with less than 5,000 unique monthly views have been using affiliate marketing for more than 2 years. (56)

Blogging Growth Statistics

  • In 2020, the number of bloggers in the United States was estimated to be 31.7 million, which was over 10% of the population. (3)
  • 86% of companies produce blog content as compared to other formats. (14)
  • Every month, WordPress users create over 70 million new posts and 77 million new comments. (7)
  • Analysts said that content marketing would be worth $412.88 billion by 2021. (62)

Blogging Income Statistics

  • Of 1000 interviewed bloggers, 35% said they’ve been earning more since the start of COVID-19. (15)
  • 1 in 3 bloggers monetizes their blogging activities, and 10% of them earn more than $10,000 per year. (15)
  • Only 13% of bloggers earn enough to make a living out of blogging. However, at least 24% of bloggers make $100 – $1000 per month. (15)
  • According to Glassdoor, a blogger in the USA makes about $64,628/ yr. Part-time bloggers make about $42 an hour on average.  (18)
  • Influencer marketing is a $5 to $10 billion industry. (41)

Blog Length and Frequency Statistics

  • Long-form blog posts generate 9 times more than short-form blog posts. (31)
  • In a 2021 online bloggers survey, 22% of those interviewed said that they publish blog posts on a weekly basis. Only 2% of those interviewed said they published on a daily basis. (9)
  • Short articles of less than 3,000 words ranked third among the B2B content assets that generated the best results in 2021. (13)
  • According to Internet Live Stats, at least 2.5 billion blog posts are published globally each year, translating to 6,912,000 blog posts per day and 4,800 blog posts per minute. (15)
  • According to a survey of more than 1000 bloggers, 46.50% of them say they have been writing more since the start of COVID-19. 55% of bloggers also said they gain more traffic from writing more. (15)
  • According to HubSpot data, the optimal length of a blog post should be 2,100 to 2,400 words. (20)
  • In 2019, the length of the 50 most read HubSpot blog posts was about 2,330 words. (20)
  • The average length of blog posts is between 1,500 and 2,500 words. (26)
  • B2B businesses that publish blog posts over 11 times each month receive as much as 3 times the amount of traffic than those that blogged one time or less each month. (27)
  • B2C organizations that publish blog posts more frequently than 11 times each month received more than four times the number of leads compared to those that only published 4-5 articles each month. (27)
  • Businesses publishing 16 articles or more blog articles per month receive roughly 3.5 times the traffic volume compared to companies publishing 0 to 4 posts per month. (27)
  • Bloggers that post on a daily basis receive 5 times the traffic of those who don’t. (28)
  • Tuesdays and Wednesdays are the most effective days to publish article content, while the optimal time of day to post blog content is between the hours of 9:30 am – 11:00 am USA Eastern Standard Time. (29)
  • The peak time for blog reading is 10:00 am. (30)
  • Bloggers that publish posts of 2,000 words or more are considerably more likely to achieve excellent results. (32)

Blogging Content Statistics

  • According to a 2019 bloggers survey, 77% of respondents claimed to have published a how-to-article in the preceding 12 month period, making how-to-articles the most popular genre of blog content. (1)
  • News and trend articles came in second, with 49% of responding bloggers claiming to have created content in this category in the previous year. (1)
  • According to a 2019 blogger survey, 26% of respondents incorporated video content into their posts. 93% of respondents stated they included images in their blog content, making images the most popular type of element used in blog content. (2)
  • Quality content can increase traffic to a blog by up to 2,000%. (51)
  • More than 60% of content marketers repost the same content on social media. (52)
  • Photographs of actual people convert at a 35% higher rate than stock photos. (53)

Blog Headlines Statistics

  • Odd-numbered listicle headlines outperform even-numbered ones by 20%. (22)
  • Headlines with eight words had a 21% better click-through rate than the average title. (22)
  • Titles containing 6-13 words generate the highest and most regular traffic. (14)
  • Emotional headlines are more likely to be shared. (24)
  • 36% of blog readers prefer list-based headlines. (23)
  • Headlines with the term “photo(s)” performed 37% better than headlines without this phrase. (25)
  • Tweetable headlines or headlines with 120 to 130 character range have the highest click-through rate, according to an analysis of 200,000 tweets with links. (25)
  • On average, headlines with 8–12 words get the most Twitter shares. (25)

Blogging SEO Statistics

  • Google has a 92.01% search engine market share followed by Bing 2.96%, Yahoo 1.51%, and Baidu 1.17%. (8)
  • Content development is rated as the most successful SEO approach by 72% of internet marketers. (35)
  • At least 5% of bloggers don’t utilize analytics. (45)
  • According to 50% of marketers, the primary KPIs for measuring the success of SEO initiatives are keyword ranking and organic traffic. (14)
  • Only 38% of bloggers improve old content. (44)
  • According to 34% of bloggers, upgrading content produces significant results. (44)
  • A search engine is the starting point for 68% of online experiences. (46)
  • Google doesn’t send organic search traffic to 90.63% of pages. (47)
  • In a typical year, only 5.7% of pages rank in the Top 10 search results for at least one keyword. (48)
  • The average top-ranking page also appears in the top 10 search results for about 1,000 other relevant keywords. (49)

Blog Marketing Statistics

  • In a 2021 study that surveyed bloggers, 90% said they use social media platforms to attract more traffic to their articles, while 10% said they collaborated with influencers for this purpose. Only 13% of those surveyed said they used paid services such as advertisements to drive blog traffic. (5)
  • At least 61% of businesses that employ a content marketing strategy are using social media changes to promote content compared to to a year ago. (36)
  • 87% of bloggers report that social platforms help them to boost their online exposure. (37)
  • At least 72% of content marketers have tried using paid Facebook ads to attract more viewers to their content. (37)
  • 66% of B2B marketers using a content strategy disseminate content through paid channels. (36)
  • 21% of all business bloggers send posts to their subscriber base via email newsletter at least weekly. 39% of the best practitioners do so weekly. (40)
  • 70% to 80% of online visitors ignore paid advertisements in favor of organic results. (38)
  • 70% of B2B marketing businesses use the Facebook network to share content. (39)
  • LinkedIn was found to be the most effectual social platform for content delivery and engaging an audience. (14)

Blogging Platform Statistics

  • According to some of the most recent figures from Growth Badger, there are over 600 million online blogs across various platforms such as WordPress, Blogger, and Livejournal. (15)
  • Google Chrome accounts for 64% of blog views. (58)
  • Tumblr alone has approximately 400 million blogs. (15)
  • 43% of websites use WordPress. (50)
  • In 2021, WordPress powered more than 455 websites. (59)
  • WordPress has at least a 60.8% market share in the CMS market. (63)

Blogging Traffic Statistics

  • In a survey of bloggers conducted in the United Kingdom in 2020, 40% of respondents stated that the size of their blog traffic was between 1,000 and 10,000 visitors. 10% of the bloggers reported having over 50,000 unique visitors to their blog. (4)
  • A study published in February 2022 reported that 46.74% of those aged between 18 and 29 read blogs on a computer regularly. (6)
  • Every month, over 409 million visitors read over 20 billion pages on WordPress sites. (7)
  • At least 77% of internet users read blogs. (10)
  • 30% of people who read blogs are between the ages of 31 and 40, while more than 37% are between the ages of 40 and 60. Only 17% of blog readers are between the ages of 25 and 30, while 10.3% are between the ages of 19 and 24. (15)

Guest Blogging Statistics

  • Blogs with several authors are perceived as more credible by 62.96% of readers than blogs with a single author. (61)
  • 60% of blogs write 1 to 5 guest blogs every month. (61)
  • Guest posting is the most effective method of building links, according to 53% of digital marketers. (61)

General Blogging Statistics

  • According to a 2019 bloggers survey, 32% of respondents said they always monitor the analytics of their blog posts. (11)
  • 48% of the C-Suite and 54% of decision-makers claim they read and review thought-leadership content for more than an hour every week. (12)
  • 48% of companies that have a content marketing strategy use blogging. (14)
  • 56% of marketers who use blogging say it’s effective, while 10% say it yields the biggest ROI. (14)
  • In 2020, 72% of Poles utilized online blogs to obtain inspiration for food and healthy eating topics and hobbies. Travel came in second at 52%, followed by hobbies at 52%. (17)
  • 50.9% of bloggers are women, and 49.1% are male. (15)

Blogging Fun Facts

  • 43% of blog readers skim through posts. (33)
  • Websites that have a blog have 434% more indexed pages. (34)
  • Blogging is the third most popular content marketing approach, after online movies and eBooks. (42)
  • Companies that create blogs generate 67% more leads than those that don’t. (43)
  • During a 2019 blogger survey, it was discovered that 17% of respondents spent 1 to 3 hours on an average post. 19% of the respondents spent more than six hours completing a post. (16)
  • According to a Chicago Tribune article, 59% of links shared on social media are shared without being viewed. However, Twitter’s new prompt to encourage users to read before sharing has resulted in consumers opening articles 40% more often. (60)

Blogging Statistics Final Thoughts

From these statistics, it’s evident that blogging is more than just writing great content.

To be a more successful blogger and increase your blogging revenue, it’s important to have a content marketing and distribution strategy.


  • statista.com/statistics/314422/blogging-format-content/ (1)
  • statista.com/statistics/314523/blogging-media-content/ (2)
  • statista.com/statistics/187267/number-of-bloggers-in-usa/ (3)
  • statista.com/statistics/1191954/number-of-unique-blog-visitors-uk/ (4)
  • statista.com/statistics/487515/blog-posts-promoting-bloggers-us/ (5)
  • statista.com/statistics/479180/internet-users-who-engaged-with-blogs-on-computer-within-the-last-month-usa/ (6)
  • wordpress.com/activity/ (7)
  • gs.statcounter.com/search-engine-market-share (8)
  • statista.com/statistics/487495/bloggers-posting-frequency-us/ (9)
  • linkedin.com/pulse/77-internet-users-read-blogs-d-john-carlson (10)
  • statista.com/statistics/314486/blogging-analytics-access-and-usage/ (11)
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  • contentmarketinginstitute.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/B2B_2022_Research.pdf (13)
  • hubspot.com/marketing-statistics (14)
  • financesonline.com/number-of-us-bloggers/ (15)
  • statista.com/statistics/314371/blogging-time-average-post-duration/ (16)
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  • cxl.com/blog/5-characteristics-high-converting-headlines/ (23)
  • okdork.com/we-analyzed-nearly-1-million-headlines-heres-what-we-learned/ (24) 
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  • optinmonster.com/seo-ranking-factors/ (32)
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