The Most Popular Pinterest Categories – The Ultimate List

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Last Updated on 19th December 2023

Pinterest is a social media platform that is full of interesting pictures of foods, holidays and so much more. Many types of content perform exceptionally well there. Generally speaking, the more popular a category is, the more potential it has..

Throughout this article, we’re going to take a look at the most popular Pinterest categories to help you find a category that is full of potential.

Pinterest Demographics

Pinterest has over 335 million active monthly users, meaning it’s one of the most popular social media platforms on the planet. 71% of the users are females, while currently, around 29% of users are men.

This also plays a role in why some niches are more popular than others on Pinterest, but we’ll talk more about that later.

That being said, 29% of 335 million is still quite a lot of male users, so there is also huge potential for this platform if your audience is predominantly male. Furthermore, stats show that more and more men are signing up to use Pinterest every month.

Pinterest is used by a large variety of age groups, with the median age being 40. However, the majority of active users are under 40.

One stat that also caught my eye is that 40% of Pinterest users have a household income of over $100,000. This means that a lot of users will have disposable income. And for marketers and business owners who are using the platform, it’s also good to know that a lot of Pinterest users actually visit the platform to research a product, so there is also buyer intent behind many searches.

All these factors make Pinterest a great platform for business owners, marketers, and entrepreneurs who want to grow their business on this platform.

What Pinterest Categories Are Available?

Just like on many other platforms, Pinterest has a huge range of categories available. Some of these perform exceptionally well which is usually down to them being extremely visual, or suiting the interests of the overall demographics of the platform.

Categories like food, travel, or photography would be great examples of visual niches that perform very well here.

Here is a list of the 33 categories, or niches, that are currently offered on Pinterest:

  • Food and drink
  • Design
  • Hair and beauty
  • Art
  • Cars and motorcycles
  • DIY and crafts
  • Science and nature
  • Women’s Fashion
  • Education
  • Entertainment
  • Geek
  • Products
  • Gardening
  • Outdoors
  • Illustrations and posters
  • Quotes
  • Men’s fashion
  • Tattoos
  • Health and fitness
  • History
  • Architecture
  • Holidays and events
  • Home decor
  • Humor
  • Animals and pets
  • Kids and parenting
  • Sports
  • Photography
  • Technology
  • Travel
  • Weddings
  • Celebrities
  • Other/Everything else

So, now we’re clear on the 33 Pinterest categories that you can find on the network, I’m also going to share the 10 most popular out of this list.

Knowing this will help you to decide how much time you should invest into your Pinterest marketing strategy.

If you’re reading this article as part of your niche research for affiliate business, then you may also want to know about the best products to promote on this platform.

If that’s the case then I share some of the best products that work well on this platform in my list of affiliate programs for Pinterest.

The 10 Most Popular Categories On Pinterest

Below I’ve ranked the most popular categories on Pinterest in order. All of these can be extremely profitable, so don’t avoid one because it’s lower down the list.

In fact, you’ll even be able to find profitable niches that aren’t on this list. And if you want even more ideas then check out my article on 71 profitable evergreen niches.

Food and Drink

Food and drink category

In the first place, we have food and drink.

As you may know, most women love to look at pictures and videos of food. Men too, but stats show that this category is especially appealing to the female audience.

Pictures of tasty-looking food and drink are all over social media, and given how visual Pinterest is, it’s no surprise that this is the case here too.

It’s the perfect place to find recipe ideas and to get inspiration for cooking and baking. In terms of popularity, this category is the undisputed champion.

Home and Decor

A woman sitting in her kitchen

Home and Decor is definitely one of the most popular topics on Pinterest.

This niche is extremely visual and also perfectly fits into the demographic of the platform for these reasons, it’s also extremely popular.

In my opinion, if there is one place where you can go to get home interior ideas, it would probably be Pinterest.

If you are looking to monetize your account down the line, this niche also has endless products that you could sell.


The travel category - a boat by the mountains

Another obvious one is Travel.

It also matches the demographics and is extremely visual. Plus, people love to use Pinterest for ideas before they plan their next trip.

Something that is also highly popular among travelers is creating group boards. This allows them to combine their ideas and experiences which is a lot of fun.

The group board feature is unique to Pinterest and is also one of the reasons why it’s used so heavily by travel enthusiasts.

Health and Fitness

The fitness category on Pinterest - women exercising

Health and fitness is a huge category that also has many sub-niches. This could be anything from weight loss to healthy eating.

Most of the sub-niches also match the demographic extremely well, which is one of the reasons why it’s so popular. Plus, health is something that affects everybody, so it has a wide appeal.

This means, there is also huge potential in this category because of how large the interest is.

Women’s Fashion

Two women fashionably dresses

There aren’t many categories that fit the demographic better than women’s fashion.

It’s a category in which people love to get ideas and inspiration, meaning it’s another perfect category for Pinterest. Couple this with the fact that many people also like to use Pinterest before they make buying decisions, then you can do very well in this niche.

This category doesn’t only have a huge amount of Pinterest traffic potential, but also great monetization opportunities.

Hair and Beauty

A woman with a cool hair style on Pinterest

The hair and beauty category also fits the demographic extremely well.

Women love to save pins of hairstyles they might like to consider for themselves in the future. It’s also a popular place to share pins to show off new style ideas to friends, which can be a lot of fun.

With this huge interest, of course, comes huge traffic potential.

DIY and Crafts

Craft ideas that can be found on Pinterest

DIY and crafts is a huge category on Pinterest. It’s a place where people show off their craft skills, and also get inspiration or ideas from others.

Plus, if you think about it, there probably isn’t a social media platform that is better suited for this hobby than Pinterest.


A person watching Netflix

Entertainment is quite a broad category and covers everything from quotes to movies. If it entertains people in some shape or form, you can chuck it into this category.

Everyone loves some type of entertainment, so there is also no surprise that this category is so popular.

To give you an idea of how you can monetize this category as an affiliate, people love to browse Pinterest looking for info on movies and TV shows. This is a great way to promote the Netflix affiliate program and earn some commissions.


A couples wedding picture on Pinterest

One that may be quite surprising is weddings.

Yes, of course, it’s something that most people are interested in at some point in their lives. However, it’s usually a one-time occurrence for most people, so I thought this was a little surprising to be in the top 10.

But, where do you think many people go for ideas and inspiration when they plan their weddings? Yep, probably Pinterest, which explains its popularity.

Holidays & Events

A soft toy showing the events and occasions that can be found on Pinterest

Lastly, there is also the holiday and events category.

This is similar to weddings, but for all other types of events like birthday parties, Christmas, etc.

Again, Pinterest is the perfect place for ideas and inspiration for any type of event, which also explains the popularity of this niche.

Most Popular Pinterest Categories – Final Thoughts

If you already have a business and are thinking of incorporating Pinterest as part of your marketing strategy, understanding the most popular Pinterest categories will help you get clear on how much time and money you would invest into this medium.

When it comes to affiliate marketing, understanding the top categories of the platform will help you to make money on Pinterest. So, if you want to make Pinterest one of your primary traffic sources, then do some research on the Pinterest categories before you start.

If you’re still unsure which category to pick, you can also consider going for one that you enjoy the most. This way, it will be easier to stay motivated in the early stages of building your Pinterest account.